XSS on out of scope domain? CORS is your secret weapon!

4 min readApr 8, 2024


Hello everyone, and welcome to my second Medium post! I hope you enjoy and find it helpful.

In this post, we’re exploring XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerabilities, which can sometimes be overlooked, particularly when they occur in out-of-scope (OOS) domains. However, when combined with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) misconfigurations, these vulnerabilities can become valid within the scope of a security program, potentially leading to bounty eligibility.

To illustrate this, I’ve got a real-life example from a HackerOne program I stumbled upon. Let’s call it “redacted.com” and its out-of-scope counterpart “community.redacted.com”.

One day, while skimming through the automated results of my workflow, I stumbled upon an XSS vulnerability lurking within the “community.redacted.com” domain.

XSS on community.redacted.com

Upon reviewing the HackerOne program, I found out that while *.redacted.com fell within the scope for bounty eligibility, “community.redacted.com” did not. Realizing this, I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed initially, as I had underestimated the potential severity of the vulnerability.

HackerOne redacted.com policy

But, if that vulnerability had been dismissed, I wouldn’t be writing this blog, right?

After some days of pondering over this XSS, I realized that I was missing something. Sometimes, with a broad scope, it is necessary for some applications to utilize Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to integrate applications within the same scope.

Now, let’s talk about CORS. CORS is a security feature implemented by web browsers to control access to resources from different origins. It allows web servers to specify which origins have permission to access their resources. When an application sets the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to *.redacted.com, it essentially allows any web page hosted on a subdomain of "redacted.com" to access its resources.

The issue arises when the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header is set to true. This header indicates whether the request can include credentials such as cookies, authorization headers, or TLS client certificates. When this header is set to true, it means that the server is willing to accept credentials from the requesting origin, assuming it's permitted by the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

So, what’s the issue here? By allowing any subdomain of “redacted.com” to access resources with credentials, such as session cookies, an attacker could exploit an XSS vulnerability in an out-of-scope domain (like “community.redacted.com”) to steal sensitive user data or perform unauthorized actions on behalf of the user within the scope domain (“redacted.com”).

After analyzing that, the next step is to search for a domain within redacted.com that allows Access-Control-Allow-Origin from any domain within redacted.com and has Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true. Another critical condition to consider is that the domain with the CORS misconfiguration should have cookies to access sensitive information.

To automate this process, you can use a modified version of the CORS misconfiguration detection nuclei template from Project Discovery. This version is adjusted to avoid unnecessary requests and can be found here:

id: cors-misconfig

name: CORS Misconfiguration
author: c4rrilat0r
severity: info
tags: cors,generic,misconfig

- raw:
- |
Host: {{Hostname}}
Origin: {{cors_origin}}

- "https://{{tolower(rand_base(5))}}.{{RDN}}" # Find domain in RDN with Misconfiguration
stop-at-first-match: true
- type: dsl
name: arbitrary-origin
- "contains(tolower(header), 'access-control-allow-origin: {{cors_origin}}')"
- "contains(tolower(header), 'access-control-allow-credentials: true')"
condition: and

After some manual testing, luck was on my side this time! I stumbled upon a significant misconfiguration right on the main page of www.redacted.com. When I tested it using the XSS domain ‘community.redacted.com’ as the origin, I hit the jackpot:

  • Got access to sensitive info through cookies.
  • Found that ‘community.redacted.com’ was allowed in the ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header.
  • ‘Access-Control-Allow-Credentials’ was set to True.
Access to sensitive information with Origin in community.redacted.com

With all this juicy info, I cooked up an XSS payload on community.redacted.com to fetch sensitive data from www.redacted.com. And boom! By cleverly chaining the XSS with the CORS setup, I managed to swipe sensitive info from a different origin.

The payload used to access and consume sensitive information from another domain was as follows:

url= 'https://www.redacted.com/profile'; 
fetch(url ,{credentials:`include`}) // To send the cookies in the request

The exploitation led to the successful retrieval and consumption of sensitive information from the target domain (www.redacted.com) by the XSS vulnerability present in the out-of-scope (OOS) domain community.redacted.com.

I promptly prepared the report and submitted it, hoping that the program team would recognize the value of this chain of vulnerabilities. Fortunately, the program team was fantastic; they triaged the report within a day and awarded a bounty of $904!

I hope this technique proves helpful to someone grappling with an XSS vulnerability in an out-of-scope domain. I wouldn’t recommend automatically scanning domains out of scope due to program restrictions. However, if you’ve already identified the XSS, you can certainly test if this technique works for you. Stay safe and responsible in your security research endeavors!

Thank you for joining me.

You can following me on twitter: https://twitter.com/c4rrilat0r.



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